Packing Tips for India
What should I bring on my India trip?
1) Travel Insurance:
In India, you need to expect the unexpected. This travel insurance gives you the peace of mind to go forth on the adventure while knowing you have financial support if you get into an emergency or have all my belongings stolen! (This, unfortunately, happened to any body. He/She had no insurance and so had to replace his stolen belongings out of pocket).
2) Personal Water Filter:
Generally drink bottled water while traveling in India but occasionally it’s not available. In that case you bust out your Water Filter filter which removes all bacteria, amoebas and other pollutants in the water. It doesn’t weigh much so it’s totally worth having for emergencies.
3) Charcoal tablets:
An incredibly effective way of stopping diarrhea and preventing dysentery. It quickly absorbs the toxins or pathogens that are causing the problem and keeps you strong. Whenever you have any sign of diarrhea, take 2-4 tablets and typically within 1 or 2 hours you will back to normal.
4) Female Urination Device:
India is a place with limited toilets and when you do find a toilet they are often absolutely disgusting. For guys, this is not a problem because we can stand at the side of the road to pee but for women, that’s not possible. Indian ladies have mastered the art of squatting discretely without mooning curious onlookers.
5) Indian power adapter:
6) Passport Pouch:
You obviously need a passport and visa for India travel but I also recommend you need to get a pouch for your passport.
7) Travel Backpack:
A good travel backpack is essential for India travel.
8) Deet-Free Mosquito Wristbands :
India is known to have cases of malaria but the problem is that malaria medication has horrible side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. We personally prefer to take all the precautions to not get bitten by mosquitoes in the first place and wearing long pants at dawn and dusk provide the best natural protection.
9) Electrolytes:
Electrolytes save lives on a daily basis. When someone has dysentery or diarrhea they get very dehydrated and in extreme cases this can lead to death. Even if you don’t get sick it is important to stay well hydrated in the hot, dry weather of India.
10) Universal Waterproof Phone Case:
This cell phone case is a great little, affordable invention that will save your iPhone or Android from the dust, dirt and grime of India. Additionally, if you’re going for a boat ride on the Ganges or the Keralan backwaters it will save your device from accidental water damage.
11) Probiotics:
These probiotic supplements boost the good bacteria in your stomach, improve digestion and increase natural immunity. It is must before traveling to India, especially during your travels and afterwards when you get home. They’re also generally good for all round digestive health.
12) Ear Plugs:
India is an extremely noisy place. On the back of every truck it says “horn please” because they use sound to help know where other vehicles are. Ear plugs to help make the noise pollution more bearable and this makes my overall experience much better.
13) Travel First Aid Kit:
It’s inevitable that you’ll get a cut or scrape or some little thing that would need a first aid kit.
14) Travel Toilet Paper:
Believe it or not, toilet paper is still mostly unused in India. Only the more expensive hotels carry it. When you’re out and about you will be hard pressed to find a place that has any at all!